Orders are processed Monday through Friday and shipped from our California warehouse. We ship to the continental US only. Unfortunately, we do not offer international orders or orders to Alaska and Hawaii at this time.
All full priced, retail orders ship free with code FREESHIP. If you have a trade account, shipping costs will automatically be applied at check-out. The manner of delivery depends on the size of your order and the particular pieces you purchase:
The carrier will deliver your order to your front door, the lobby of your apartment building, etc. Chairs, end tables, nightstands, and other small items ship via threshold delivery
White Glove
The carrier will deliver your order to a room within your residence, assemble the furniture if required, and remove all packing materials. Note that if you wish to make a return, original packaging is required; please request packaging not be disposed of if you think you may want to return an item.
Please contact us for details regarding your particular circumstance or if you would like to change your delivery type from the standard method.
Shipping Damage Policy
If your carton or furniture is damaged in transit, please follow the shipping damage policy and procedures below.
Any claim of damaged or missing items must be reported to within 48 hours of receiving the shipment. We are unable to honor any claim of damaged or missing items after the 48 hour period.
Damage must be noted in writing on the carrier's delivery receipt (electronic and/or paper as applicable). If you sign a freight bill or receipt without written notice of damage or delivery issues we are unable to process a claim. Verbally reporting damage to the delivery team is insufficient, even if they take photos and say they will report the damage.
- Inspect and verify your shipment immediately upon arrival and (if delivered via White Glove delivery) after the carrier has set up your furniture.
- Take multiple photos of any damage
- Note damage or shortage on freight bill or receipt
- Keep a copy of the freight bill or receipt, and take a photo for yourself
- Keep all boxes and original packaging; they are required to process a claim
Orders may not be changed or canceled if the item is in production or shipped. If the item has not yet shipped or has not entered production, you may cancel your order according to the following policy:
Items from inventory
- 3% cancellation fee if cancellation is requested within 5 business days of the order confirmation date.
- 25% cancellation fee of the canceled dollar amount beyond 5 business days of the order confirmation date.
Items made for the order
- 3% cancellation fee if cancellation is requested within 5 calendar days of the order confirmation date.
- 50% cancellation fee for the canceled dollar amount beyond 5 calendar days of the order confirmation date.
If you aren’t 100% satisfied with your new furniture, contact us within 5 days of delivery for a refund. The products must be returned in their original packaging and the customer is responsible for ensuring it is returned in original condition (feel free to add additional packaging if necessary to keep the product adequately protected in the return journey). Please note that customers are responsible for return shipping fees and a restocking fee: 25% if the item was in stock, 50% if the item was made to order. That fee may increase if the item is returned in poor condition.